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Home Improvement

Tips for a Clean Garage

3 min read

Is spring cleaning underway in your household? Garages are one of the easiest spots in a home for clutter to grow and accumulate unattended. Refreshing and reorganizing your garage space to provide maximum storage is crucial to prevent reaccumulation in a year or two. We’ll cover our best ideas on cleaning your garage and then keeping it clean in the future below. 

The Benefits of a Well-Organized Garage

With an organized garage, you’ll be able to more effectively make use of the overall space. Beyond just the aesthetic appeal of a clean space, you’ll be able to find stored items more easily. 

Organization also lends itself to safety. By having precise storage spots for items like power tools or oil for your car, you can keep these potentially dangerous items out of adventurous children’s hands, or simply guarantee they won’t be in danger of an accident. 

Steps to Take in Organizing a Garage

Take reorganization one step at a time—a slow pace allows for more thorough reorganization. Start small with easily-moved objects and then move on to the bigger ones like shelving systems or cabinets. 

Removing Small Objects from Your Garage

Removing Large Objects from Your Garage

Once all larger items are cleaned, it’s time to tackle the floor of your garage. If there are any stains on the floor, an all-purpose cleaner (a half-cup of baking soda mixed with a gallon of warm water works) should help get most of them up. Depending on what your garage floor is made of, you may need to change your cleaning solution accordingly. Tougher stains may require a more stringent cleaning solution as well. 

Storage Ideas in Your Garage

Now that your garage is sparkling clean, it’s time to DIY your way to your dream garage. 

Keep Your Garage Clean and Organized

Now that you’ve got an idea on what your cleaned-up garage could look like, why not complete the look with a new garage door? Our line of replacement garage doors provides a great upgrade for your home which instantly increases curb appeal. Get in touch today for your free quote on a new door!